Register below with a personal email if possible (school emails often block emails from outside the school)
Gain access to the video lesson to use in class until the end of March
When is it?
This class is not live. It is pre-recorded so you can access it whenever you need until the end of March 2024.
What age is it for?
This workshop is most suitable for year 3-6 (KS2) or years 7-9 (KS3).
What will we learn?
We will learn to create our own cartoon character in our own way. Then we look at comic strip structure before drawing our own 4 panel comic. This class is not step by step and instead encourages pupils to develop their own ideas rather than copying the teacher.
Can I draw with the children?
Yes! Simply press play on the video and draw away. there are pause points in the video where pupils can discuss ideas or draw along the way.
Who is teaching the class?
Emma, the founder of Go Sketch Club, will be teaching the class. Emma is an artist and an art teacher with over 10 years experience.
How much is it?
It is free!
Will I get spam emails from you?
No, we don't like spam as much as you! You will receive emails with links to the lesson. We will also share other free resources that you can use in class. We will also be offering a deal on our CPD training for primary schools but there is no obligation to book. Just enjoy the free resources with your class! You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of our emails.
Register below with a personal email if possible (school emails often block emails from outside the school)
Gain access to the video lesson to use in class until the end of March